Haleh Shoa

Purpose and Career Growth
I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We all have a purpose and a calling on this journey. What is yours? Well, you may need guidance to see your truth and light in order to reach your unlimited powers. Sometimes it comes in a form of validation, other times a kick in the butt. I am an expert at comforting the disturbed and disturbing the comfortable. I help women who want more from their careers or growth for their business. I have successfully helped many individuals and teams in a creative corporate setting to achieve their accomplishments. I would be honored at the opportunity to help more.
"Working the Quinn Essential tools with Haleh was like slowing down the whirling to-do lists so I could listen and focus on the big ticket life items that laid groundwork for the rest. There was a calming, spiritual, focused, matter-of-fact energy to our sessions. It seems like a lot rolled into one, but it was like taking a deep breath and moving the noise aside for an hour."
-S.C., Baltimore