Cyndi Yantis

What I offer clients is a new way to think about things that expand their minds, open their hearts, lift their consciousness and encourage them to create amazing projects, businesses and lives! As a writer and storyteller, I love to catalyze and help others find their stories and tap into optimal creativity through Creative Jam Sessions where they bring their projects and their passions and leave with clarity and vision for their endeavor, a creative plan and doable action items. As a certified Creativity Coach, I help people find their spark, one word of truth at a time. If there’s one thing I know, “creativity is a way of life.” I’m a member of the Creativity Coaching Association and I live and apply the Quinn Essential tools in my work. I find joy in helping others to do the same
"Cindy is exceptional at helping you dig deep to unlock the answers and help you are looking for. I learned how to receive things from myself to tap into my creativity. I am much more open, playful, creative, and am more in touch with my I AMs. Cindy listens deeply to what you have to say, provides a set of strong tools, and creates a very safe environment to do the work in. I can’t wait to continue working with her!"
-C.V., Los Angeles